An Important Message From High Conflict Institute CEO, Megan Hunter

family May 14, 2020
March 23rd 2020.
Megan Hunter, CEO

Megan Hunter, CEO

During this past week as I have experienced a slightly hilly roller coaster of thoughts and feelings, the 5 Stages of Grief™ by Elisabeth Kubler Ross & David Kessler came to mind. But I replaced the term “grief” with “change”. Isn’t that what we’re all in now? Change in our everyday lives is usually more gradual, save an accident or other disaster. This time we’re universally confronted with a rapidly changing world—one that our brains have a hard time reconciling. We’re simply not used to this kind of change. I’ve experienced varying degrees of all five:  denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, the last stage likely the most important.  

But these grief recovery authors didn’t stop there, eventually adding a sixth stage—meaning. As we travel this uncharted path created by the Covid-19 pandemic, maybe we can find new meaning in our lives—at home, at work, and in the community. I challenge you to take time every day to think about, allow, and write down the stages of change you’re going through and focus intentionally on the meaning you are finding. When you think, you are helping your brain increase flow between the hemispheres, which is calming and stress-reducing. Try it!

As for HCI ®, we’ve been virtual for many years offering our courses online and live webinars. We are taking time now to focus on courses that will be the most helpful to those of you who must deal with difficult people and high conflict situations now and in the coming months. Stress increases anxiety, which causes increasingly elevated outbursts and blame. We will be back to you this week with a full listing of upcoming live and recorded continuing education courses and other courses—all at a reasonable cost.

My co-founder, Bill Eddy, will be posting a video on YouTube every Monday until life starts to get back to normal. As most of you know, Bill has developed methods to help us stay calm and to help others do the same. Please view and share his first video HERE

Thank you for all you do to help find the missing peace!

Megan Hunter
CEO, High Conflict Institute





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